Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh! Gandhi

One who put Mahatma before Gandhi murdered Gandhi

What you are?

What you want to be is the right identity of yours as you are changing every second.

It won't be possible

"Will" almost always hurts exploration of truth in assertive statements other than maths.

Blast Government

Government isn't 3rd person its first person. So, Instead blaming try doing something.

Under Construction

Localize the problem Generalize the solution.

Quotes: I think I must not write the Explanation

Explanations make the quote book baggy, non-creative and dull.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Mouth and Hands

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Education is right for everybody. In JNU, we have to acknowledge, there are many who do not have such privileges. Would you like to give avail them as if their right, as if their need, as if your nation's need, as if our need of having educated society. Please do not leave everything on government or its agencies. And if you want to leave it to government or its agencies then think is goverment third person or first person.
For not being over enthusiastic, I tried it my own and I found that its a really energetic experience. Please approach them, ask them, force them emotionally (if necessary) for their education. It needs your help because not a single can stay here for long in the campus but you will be as a whole. I suppose we can bring the change.
"आकाश मे चाँद कि जरुरत होती है लेकिन यदि तारे ना हो तो दिया तले अन्धेरा ही रहेगा"

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