Sunday, January 09, 2011

Library of Books

Click here for books at kapil
excel sheet for kapil

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Rewinding my time, when I was at Job, an IT Job

Does everything has a price, Price in terms of coins - notes. How much a smile cost?
This may cost little high as it may need your time. Time to smile, time to watch and appreciate the beauty of the it. But it starts a sequence of time required to appreciate it again and again in different ways to actually fall in love with them. love with that girl, her innocence, her desire to roam in there and out, her unknowings of vast possibilities of expansion of universe and your desires does not stop her from smiling or passing smile to you. Lets move out of office, lets watch a boy or a girl sitting on the footpath, trying to play with his/her toys. You will find none
The forwarded mails has done this thing little simpler they help you putting a photograph of a little girl smiling and hugging a 'memna'. But what it does? photos will not smile in return of your appreciation of smile. The girl will not have any feeling for your smile. And hence no more sequences and hence no more time needed. All this love and the sequences are not part of you and your life. We are mere robots working haphazardly for sake of the work. Little hands of clock goes on and on around the same neck and then with it whole its life.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Wish you a very Happy New Year

Wish you a very Happy New Year,

let me wish a very beautiful world for you,

and for all your friends and relatives,

let me wish that-

the whole nature becomes very caring to you,

and you too care about all those who care for you,

so that the cycle goes on forever!!!

May the happiness comes to you like the waterfall above

and settles in your life like rain drops,

and let it flow like a river in your life,

I wish that you enjoy the most,

and you enjoy forever,

A very Happy New Year

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