Why this RTI?
Although issues are many, they get collected and busted when the below story happens to me-
I made SBI challan of Rs 450.00 + Rs 20.00 and tried to file an application for UGC NET exam. Since in the duration application branches are flooded with draft and challan issures, I get it done at Alwar. When I was filling my online form, I made some mistake, that instead of filling of UGC centre I filled University name where I am studying. Unfortunately, this University campus is at PortBlair.
Now fun starts from here...
I tried to edit my form, it is not allowed.
I tried to refill new form, it is not allowed as Challan's Journal number is unique through their whole database.
I tried to contact them on phone as well as on e-mail, but in vein, no one can be reached.
So, finally I have to take another challan and have to again pay Rs 470.00.
I don't know whether my mistake is enough big to fine me Rs. 470.00 + my hours of struggle to fill up the form and ringing the officials at UGC office + my effort in all these things.

with no reply at first and then i made first appeal

--------------------updated on May 11, 2011
The best part of this RTI comes when I saw the procedure of NET application form is made little better and now you can change the details you filled
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